Confused,Without a doubt

Sometimes, you rush before it’s too late To beat a deadline set by a nonexistent last date You feel the urge of wanting to create An idea that the head refuses to originate You set sail on a journey with no destination to reach? To be alone even when you are not the only pebble on the beach Sometimes you play the game even when you don't have fun? And compete in the race that you don’t run? You try to quit all that is stale and mundane Even if the mind has become numb and insane Sometimes it is easier to drift without listening to the head And stop chasing time and let life seek you instead The heart deserves to be free and the mind needs to be calm By clearing the head of its raging storm No wisdom on earth can put your mind at ease When you chose to be driftwood in the high seas You don't need an enemy to get you out When you are confused, without a doubt.