Let there be light

The heat was relentless as if it was out of spite

She was scorched and blinded by the blazing white

One sided and mismatched as it gets with a fight

Until he showed up to protect her and punched above his weight 


Blocking and shading the hapless earth from her summer plight

Burnt and scorched, yet he never let her out of his sight


Sunset behind Tidal Park

Slim were his chances against the blazing Sun's might

He grew as dark and thick as he could and fought valiantly until twilight

Even as the damsel earth looked up with gratitude to thank the dark cloudy knight   

A spent and frustrated, Sun sighed a tired goodnight


The battle is not over and the Sun will be back tomorrow with a bigger bite

But the cloud will reminisce the day he had the last laugh and won the fight

 A day when a tired Sun was ready to switch off for the night,

The gutsy cloud taunted him with a roar, ‘Let there be light’


  1. Superb click and a beautiful poem. I loved the last part..

  2. Ending resonates Thamasoma Jyothirgamaya, signalling an end to fictional fight among various primary elements.

  3. Beautiful rendering for the dark clouds. How often do we take things for granted and forget the big roles played by many many unappreciated natural phenomena .Loved your imagination behind it. Amazing shot.


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