Life and Death

Is there a life after death, some wonder?
But could there be a life without death, just ponder

Why do we think it’s the roads end?
While life is just taken through a sharp bend

What do we loose, if there are no corners to turn
Wouldn’t life be easier without having to mourn?

Wouldn’t our lives be better with nothing to worry?
How pleasant it would be, never to feel sorry

Yet death is as real as reality can be
Lurking in the shadows for you and for me

Where there is shadow we know there is light
It’s in the darkness we see that which is bright

The end of the world to a caterpillar is the birth to a butterfly
At the horizon, seems to begin the bright blue sky

There is never a beginning without an end
And life is always there waiting behind the bend

Fear not the death and don’t try to hide

For it’s on the death that life has its best ride


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