United States of America

They are the leaders who claim to love democracy
But sometimes their actions would put to shame, a crazy
They believe that might is right
And that bullying smaller nations is their birthright

They considered Saddam an evil
Yet they created Osama, to play the devil
Sometimes they bite more than what they could chew
And that’s what happened when the devil gave his due

The attack on WTO was a sickening horror
But it was a shame to market it for the war against terror
They crossed the seas and attacked other cities
In the name of ending terrorist atrocities

Uncle Sam has nose so long, that he likes to poke
Even as the world new that WMD was nothing but a joke
Yet they occupied other man’s soil
For reasons as real as minerals and oil

The world was helpless as they split the mighty Soviet
The fear of which had shut everyone quiet
They destroyed a nation to avenge Pearl Harbour
and built themselves by outsourcing jobs for cheap labour

They have landed everywhere except the Sun
And they always get their way with the UN
They glorify their marines as heroes of war
but we know the respect they give for a prisoners of war

Yet we love that nation for it’s biggest lure
For their dollars can make us rich for sure
So it’s better to be with US than against US

After all, its our world and belongs only to US


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